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Treatment of class II subdivision with Carriere Motion

Treatment of class II subdivision with Carriere Motion1
Treatment of class II subdivision with Carriere Motion
Introduction: Class II subdivisions represents a complicated treatment due to the occlusal relation
present: class II in a hemiarchate and class I in the other.
The percentage of classes II subdivision is about 50% [1] of the malocclusions that are classified as II
classes of Angle which as a whole have a prevalence of 55.1% in Caucasians [2]. It therefore represents
the most frequent dental asymmetry in orthodontics. [3] [4] [5]
Quite recently introduced in the orthodontic panorama for the correction of II classes is the distalizing
device Carriere Motion (CDA) that can be used both in growing patients and in patients at the end of
growth. [6] It is indicated both in the treatment of second skeletal classes and in the treatment of the
first skeletal classes in the second relationship. It is also useful in cases of class II subdivision. [7]The
goal of CDA is the pattern of class I correcting any rotation present in the upper first molars, occlusal
anomaly present in most of the II classes and to gain space for resolution of anterior maxillary
crowding. [6] The average duration of CDA therapy, which is usually followed by a second phase of
multibrackets therapy or with aligners, is 5-6 months. [3] Popowich et al. (2005) affirmed that the
average duration of the class II correction phase with intermaxillary elastics in multi brackets therapy
is 10 months. [4] Therefore one of the main advantages in the use of CDA is the reduction of the total
duration of the treatment and the absence of lost of anterior anchorage. To this is added the comfort
reported by the patient who does not perceive the presence of the CDA device after the first week of
therapy unlike other devices protected for the correction of the II classes.[5]
Aim: Effectiveness of elastics protocol used to correct class II subdivision with Carrier Motion in growing patients.

Materials and methods: Authors report three cases of class II subdivision treated with Carrier Motion for class II. Lower essix appliance 1,5 mm width was elected for the lower anchorage. All the patients used asymmetric elastics: 4,5 oz 1\4 f(first week), 4,5 oz 1\4 on the class I side and 6,5 oz 1\4 on the class II side up to reach class I relationship.